Onions stops fevers, coughs, viruses and flu’s by absorbing the illness

Yes, Onions is an alternative health solution to stops fevers, coughs, viruses and flu’s by absorbing the illness.

Putting an onion in the room of a person who is sick, the onion will absorb the illness and the person will soon be better.


This is an ancient cure of illness that was passed from one generation to another.  And it was done in many countries.

Simply peel the onions, put it in a bowl or a small plate and then placed it around the home.  This will prevent any person of getting sick and stopped the spread of virus, flu’s or coughs in the family.



White onions is better than the red onions.  Yellow onions would be an acceptable alternative. But white onions with the latin name Allium Cepa, work best.


Warning: Don’t ever eat the onions after you placed it around.